Friday, 11 May 2012

signifier/ sign/ signified

Pre Structuralist: a word denotes the object, literary. This view relates to the Kantian theory of a priory, having knowledge of something before even knowing it.

Structuralist: a word (signifier) signifies a concept (signified).

The Structuralists perceived art is a primitive language

The sign mediates as a visual representation between the signifier and signified.

There is thus a fixed connection between a word its meaning and the representing sign in Pre Structuralism and Structuralism.

Post Structuralism: no difference between the signifier and the signified. Words only refer to other words, concepts are nothing but words. The nearest one can get to the meaning of a word is to look at how it differs from others, Jacques Derrida: différance. The true meaning of a word keeps alluding us. 

The poststructuralist draws the following conclusions:
  1. Meaning is never fully present in any one signifier, but is infinitely deferred or suspended
  2.  Meaning is contextual, i.e. affected by related words
  3. There is always an excess of meaning.

We don't speak a language, Language speaks us

Reality is a by-product of Language

The sign is disrupted, slippage occurs: Art is born

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