paper places (2012):The obsessive tracing and re-tracing of the map could be likened to an attempt at not forgetting, an attempt to root the geography, an attempt at realising the paper place, at revealing the open secret, at correcting the political distortion; multiple generations of tracing and re-tracing blurs the distinctive borders. The attempt at fixing the geography becomes an exercise eradicating it, slippage occurs. The recording, played back over a horn speaker, creates a paradox; the horn speaker representing authority and power is at odds with the recording that refers to an identity that is frail, under threat; precariously pinned to the gallery wall by the Four-Colour-Theorem-Flag-Poles.
Yma lies ikon a genedhlogeth hag onan penn anedha yw yeth, heb mar. Onan arall yw boes.
Boes Kernewek – pandra a wra henna sevel a-ji brys an klywor? Pastis ha dyenn molys, heb mar.
Ha dyenn molys ha splyttys warbarth – gans kyfeyth – a wra an 'Te Kernewek Hengovek' meurgerys hag argemmenys yn pub gwerthji-te yn Kernow.
An splyttys aga honan yw gwrys yndell'ma:
Unn peuns a vleus playn
myjenn a holann
hanter ouns a varm
unn loas te sugra
ouns amanenn
hanter pinta leth
Dhe bareusi:
Sydhla an holann ha'n amanenn a-ji bolla. Treyl an barm a-ji an sugra. Teudh an amanenn a-ji an leth. Pan vo migyl, treyl an amanenn ha'n leth a-ji an barm. Ena, gorr e warbarth dhe wul toes gans an bleus.
Sev an bolla, keudhys, yn tyller toemm bys pan vo sevys yn-ta an toes. Toes e ha shapp e dhe rondow hanter meusva aga thewder. Skubell i gans leth h'aga foba bys yn pymthek po ugens mynysenn, yn ogas warbarth a-ji forn poeth (kans ha peswar ugens degre Selsius) a-ji kanna pobas amanennys.
Pan vons i yeyn y halsons bos treghys (po hanter fordh, po yn-tien) ha lesys gans amanenn, kyfeydh ha dyenn molys.
Gans pott a de, splann yw yn Hav dhe esedha yn-mes – martesenn yn gornell gosel an lowarth, po 'yn mes hag a-dro' yn gwerthji te, gans kowetha, hag omlowenhe yn unn dybri 'Te Kernewek Hengovek'. Marthus da!
paper places (2011) UK summer riot sites |
paper places (2011) occupy world sites |
paper places (2011) proposed constituency changes |
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